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Donation Total: ₹100.00

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Donation Total: ₹100.00

Manish Tyagi


Hello, I am a young boy. I have 2 brothers. My health is good. In school, my favorite subject is mathematics. When I get home from school, I help my family by carrying water. I enjoy soccer.

I live in the mountainous community of Bumutsopa in the Mbale region in eastern Uganda. There are about 1,094 families in my community and we speak mostly Lumasaba, although some people speak Swahili, Luganda, or English. Uganda is a beautiful country with many wild animals and different kinds of tasty food, like matoke and mangos. But a long civil war in our past has made many of us poor. Before FH came to my community, we did not have access to clean water or enough food to eat throughout the year. But your sponsorship is helping me and strengthening my family. FH staff encourages me to study hard and reach my God-given potential. I can now go to school and learn, visit the health clinic when I am sick, join kids’ clubs, and play with other children. FH staff even visit my family and help us work together to overcome our hardships. They are teaching my parent’s other ways to grow vegetables and raise animals like cows and goats. Crops are so healthy because farmers are learning how to care for the soil. FH staff also helps our church leaders and elders create a plan for our future. Please pray for me and my family and my village as we try to overcome this poverty. Thank you for providing me with support and hope!

